Sobriety is a choice of strong people.

In the USA there are about 100 million people taking alcohol in
Statistically alcoholics live for about 15-20 years less, than non drinking people. In the recent years about 120 000 people die annually in the USA due to the reasons connected with excessive alcohol intake. Among minors, 3 out of 10 have alcohol related problems, and the age of first drink is 10-14 years.
The uncontrollable use of alcohol drinks in the USA causes an annual damage to the country over 200 000 billions dollars. Each glass of pure alcohol costs to the American treasury 2 dollars.
Very serious problem is female alcoholism because women tend to hide the drinking habit and consequently very late come for help.
Our office offers comprehensive help for achieving sobriety . We offer medication management and therapy approach leading to personal transformation , re thinking about the harm of alcoholic dependence, modern methods of personal and family counseling . We help to reveal the hidden internal reserves, to establish the correct, positive purposes.
Our psychotherapists and counselors will the most suitable program on finding of sobriety, family well being and happy life. You deserve to live happy and sober life.